Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Study to look at nurses' knowledge of elder abuse in long term care Essay

Study to look at nurses' knowledge of elder abuse in long term care setting - Essay Example Studies have shown that people of all socio-economic, ethnic and religious backgrounds are vulnerable to abuse including countries where the traditional system of family care exists. Furthermore, it is increasingly being seen as an important problem and one that is likely to grow as many countries experience rapidly growing ageing populations. It is predicted that by the year 2025 the global population of those aged 60 years and older will more than double, from 542 million in 1995 to about 1.2 billion (1). Although there is an increasing awareness that some older people are victims of abuse, neglect and mistreatment there is strong evidence to indicate that much abuse goes unrecognized and is hidden from public awareness (3). prompted scientific and governmental activity throughout the world. Although the vast majority of older people enjoy the benefits of family life, there has been a growing awareness, during the past twenty years in particular, that older people are sometimes abused, neglected or mistreated. Progress on building a response to elder abuse has been difficult, however, as the issue is shrouded in secrecy, denial and guilt. It is acknowledged that abuse can occur within the home or care facility (4). Any form of abuse is unacceptable. Nurses have a duty of care to the older people in their care to prevent this from happening. Although nurses who care for older persons can expect to encounter cases of abuse our knowledge of the incidence and cause of such abuse remains limited (5). While the study of elder abuse has much to learn from responses to other forms of adult abuse, it is vital that the abuse of older people is dealt with separately, to ensure clarity when defining and measuring the problem and to help focus responses to abuse. Elder abuse is defined as a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action occurring within any relationship where

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